Nuisance Party By-Law
The City of Kingston Nuisance Party By-Law 2018-53 was implemented to address the negative impacts of large social gatherings involving nuisance behaviours (ex. public intoxication, damage to public or private property, and excessive noise, etc.). This By-Law provides Kingston Police with the authority to declare a social gathering a nuisance party.
For more information on how the Nuisance Party Bylaw helps all residents do their part to keep our community safe and to foster good relationships between neighbours see the:
- City of Kingston Nuisance Party ByLaw webpage
- City of Kingston Nuisance Party ByLaw Information Brochure.
Queen's University District Safety Initiative
In addition to the new Nuisance By-Law the City of Kingston in co-operation with Kingston Police and Queen’s University has developed the University District Safety Initiative.
As a result of unsanctioned street parties the initiative was brought into effect to help ensure the safety of our community. For more information see the University District Safety Initiative.
Date and time of enforcement
The Nuisance Party law is in effect all year long.
The University District Safety Initiative is in effect during specific dates and times, see Queen's University District Safety Initiative.
Fines, Penalties and Charges
An individual charged under the Nuisance Party Bylaw may be required to appear before a justice of the peace at the Ontario Court of Justice. A conviction by the Court may result in a fine, probation, or other orders. The Court docket, which includes the defendant’s name, is public information and can be viewed by the public. Further, an individual can also be issued an Administrative Monetary Penalty (AMP). AMPs have been found to be an effective alternative to the court system for processing minor by-law violations and in cases where delayed adjudication may encourage continued non-compliance. The AMP process is similar to the current process for municipal parking infractions. Under the AMP process:
- Those who are alleged to have contravened the bylaw receive a penalty notice, instead of a Provincial Offences Act ticket.
- They may appeal to a screening officer. If not satisfied by the decision, they may take the matter to an external Hearing Officer, The decision of the Hearing Officer is final, and there is no further level of appeal.

An AMP is paid directly to the City. The AMP for hosting or conducting a nuisance party is $2,000. The AMP for failing to comply with an order to leave a nuisance party is $500. Learn more at City of Kingston AMPs. In addition to fines or penalties, people who conduct or host nuisance parties may be liable for fees from Kingston Fire & Rescue, Kingston Police and/or municipal bylaw officers for their attendance on scene. The current fee is $90 per officer, per hour (or part thereof). Failure to pay these fees could result in civil Court action or recovery through a collections agency.