The vehicle description and license plate number provided by the complainant is verified by Kingston Police to be a match with current records. The letter is then addressed to whomever was the registered owner of the matching vehicle at the time of the incident/offence.
Traffic Complaints
Traffic issues remain one of the top concerns for Kingston residents. Our Traffic Safety Unit is dedicated to making our roadways safer through daily proactive enforcement.
You can do your part in helping to make our roadways safer by driving defensively and sharing the roadway with other drivers and pedestrians. You can also help by Making a Traffic Complaint when you witness careless and dangerous drivers.
The Traffic Safety Unit utilizes community traffic complaints to:
- Identify and target problematic streets and intersections.
- Issue formal warning letters to owners of vehicles involved in driving complaints.
- Charge owners or drivers of vehicles involved in traffic violations.

Traffic Complaint Examples
General Traffic Concerns
(No licence plate obtained)
- Problem intersections
- Roadways with speeding issues
- School zone concerns
Driving Complaints
(Licence plate and description of vehicle)
- Failing to stop for red lights, stop signs
- Speeding
- Distracted driving (cell phone)
- Repeated dangerous driving in same neighbourhood
Specific Driver Complaints
- Driving suspended
- driving without licence
Make a Traffic Complaint
Non-emergency traffic complaints can be reported to Kingston Police through our quick and easy to use online reporting system.
Please note the investigation may be limited if the licence plate and vehicle description you provide, do not match current records.
The more information you can provide the better. Specifically try to have the following:
- Date, time and location of incident.
- Driver description such as gender, age, hair, etc.
- Vehicle information such as make, model, colour, extra features such a trailer hitch, roof rack, etc.
- Details of the incident
- Your information: Name, address, phone number and date of birth.
Please note, if you report or witness an offence and wish police to lay charges where applicable, you must be prepared to testify in court.
Data collected from complaints will be utilized to enhance overall road safety for all drivers in Kingston. The information will allow the Kingston Police Traffic Safety Unit to proactively monitor and enforce traffic issues in problematic areas.
Immediate Danger
Call: 911
I received a Traffic Complaint Letter
You may receive a Traffic Complaint Letter if a motor vehicle registered to you was observed committing a traffic violation. The purpose of the letter is to ensure you are aware of the issues involving your vehicle. If you were not the person driving, you are encouraged to address the complaint with whomever has access to your vehicle.
A report of the incident will be on file with Kingston Police. No further investigation is required regarding the incident, however if you receive more than two complaint letters within two years, you may be contacted by an officer and charged as appropriate.
Frequently Asked Questions
The following list of Frequently Asked Questions will help you better understand the process should.
How do you know my vehicle was involved?
What if the vehicle/plate indicated is not mine?
You received the letter because the vehicle/plate are registered to you through the Ministry of Transportation. If you have sold or transferred the vehicle/plate then you should contact the MTO office and update your information.
The letter is sent to the registered owner of the motor vehicle at the time of the incident/offence. If you (registered owner) were not driving, we encourage you to address the complaint with whomever has access to your vehicle. If you choose to do so, you may also provide the identity of the involved driver to a member of the Traffic Safety Unit. It is your obligation to ensue your vehicle is driven safely and responsibility.
No follow-up on your part is required. However, Kingston Police encourages you to consider the letter an opportunity to learn about unsafe driving practices and improve your driving skills and ensure compliance with the Highway Traffic Act.
This letter is NOT a ticket. You will NOT be receiving a fine or demerit points for this incident.
How long will this stay on my record?
The offence is not recorded on your driving record. However, details of the incident will be on file with Kingston Police for follow up should offences continue.
Will this affect my insurance rates?
This information will NOT be released to your insurance company without your consent.
A citizen who observes an unsafe driving incident/offence can make a complaint to Kingston Police. The complaint will be reviewed by the Kingston Police Traffic Safety Unit and when appropriate a Traffic Complaint Letter may be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle. The name of the individual who reported the incident will NOT be released.
Who can I speak to regarding the letter?
No follow-up on your part is required. If you would like to speak with someone regarding the letter, you can contact Sergeant Koopman, Traffic Safety Unit, by email or phone at 613-549-4660 ext. 6186.