Asset Forfeiture
“Crime doesn’t pay. We make sure of that.”
Asset Forfeiture is a Joint Forces Operation working with the Ontario Provincial Police at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels. Their mandate is to lawfully seize all valuables obtained by, or used to facilitate, crimes. Because of this, investigators in this unit are often involved in cases from every other investigative branch. From Frauds to Drugs to Patrol cases, Asset Forfeiture investigators are involved in seizing money, houses, cars, and anything else obtained by crime or used to facilitate crime.
Investigators in this unit are also responsible for the FATE program (Firearms Analysis Tracing and Enforcement) that tracks the origin of illegal firearms in Ontario.

Do you have what it takes?
Attention to detail, excellent record keeping skills, and a clear and concise writing style are all requirements to be successful in this unit.
The ability to build rapport with other units and various outside agencies at different levels of enforcement (municipal, provincial, federal, international) is also an essential attribute.
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