School Resource Officer
"Connecting with youth to build a bright future."
School Resource Officers (SROs) manage emergent issues with kids of all ages, from junior kindergarten to secondary school, at all 66 schools in the Kingston jurisdiction. SROs liaise with partner stakeholders such as the school boards, Family and Child Services of Frontenac, Lennox and Addington, KFL&A Public Health, Resolve Counselling Services Kingston, Youth Diversion Kingston, Addictions and Mental Health Services KFL&A, Kingston Fire Rescue, and many others. These agencies come together and proactively lend their expertise to resolve issues in schools that left unaddressed may escalate.
SROs spearhead youth outreach programs, crime prevention initiatives, threat assessments, return from suspension meetings, and assist in lockdown drills. SROs also maintain the SPEAR (School Police Emergency Action Response) database, and bring a variety of supports to families where children are at risk. SROs wear many different hats and have a multitude of responsibilities to help keep our schools a safe and secure place for children to learn.
To help improve student safety the SRO oversees several important educational initiatives, including:
Stop the Stigma
A game show style activity for grades 5 and 6 to teach students about mental health and remove the stigma from these conditions.
Stop Sexting
A one hour presentation to grades 7 and 8 about the impact of sexting and how to consider their digital image and the consequences, both legal and social, of sexting.
A one hour presentation to grades 5 and 6 on the effects of all types of bullying. Learn more about Bullying and Cyber Bullying.
Internet Safety
A presentation to all grades 3 and 4 to teach them about the dangers present online, including safety tips to minimize these dangers. Learn more about Internet and Social Media safety.
Community Helpers
A presentation to all kindergarten classes to introduce Police Officers, what we do, how and when to ask for help, how to identify Police Officers, as well as our roles and responsibilities.
Do you have what it takes?
Successful candidates need to be able to connect with children of all ages and backgrounds and should have the ability to discuss difficult topics. SROs should be great speakers, able to do presentations in an entertaining yet educational manner. They need to be patient and caring but also capable of being resolute and firm with troubled youth when necessary.
Importantly, SROs must not only be able to engage with students but also interact with school staff, outside agencies, and parents in a positive, productive way to address and help troubled youth before a crisis occurs.
Interested in becoming an officer with Kingston Police? Visit our recruitment website and learn more about this challenging and rewarding career.