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Tips to avoid becoming a victim of deepfake technology

Release Date: March 28, 2024


Engaging with others through videos has become a standard part of our everyday lives. Whether you’re joining a video conference at work or watching your favorite celebrity on Instagram, videos are everywhere. However, can you really trust what you’re seeing? The rise of deepfake technology could make it difficult to know if what you are watching is real or fake.


What is Deepfake Technology?


Deepfake technology uses AI and machine learning to create realistic audio and video spoofs. These spoofs combine real footage of one person with the words or actions of another. While deepfake technology has been around for years, it is now easier to use and harder to recognize. For example, there are mobile apps that allow you to replace a celebrity’s face with your own to create surprisingly realistic videos.


How Could Cybercriminals Use This Technology?


There are a number of ways that the bad guys could use deepfake technology. One way that cybercriminals and scammers are using this technology is to impersonate celebrities. Spoofing influential people could be used to spread false information designed to intentionally mislead you. This is a tactic known as disinformation. On a smaller scale, this technology could be used to impersonate managers and executives in your organization. Imagine receiving a phone call from your manager asking you to send money or confidential information. However, it isn’t actually your manager, but a cybercriminal spoofing their voice with deepfake technology.


What Can I Do to Stay Safe?


To stay safe from deepfake spoofs remember these tips:


  • Always be suspicious of videos that contain shocking or controversial claims. This could be disinformation in action.
  • Always check the source. For example, if you are watching a celebrity’s video on social media, make sure it was posted on their verified profile.
  • Always verify before taking any action. In the example of your manager calling, you could ask to set up a meeting in person.


Stop, look, and think. Don’t be fooled by the scammers.

Contact Us

Kingston Police
705 Division Street
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 4C2

Telephone: 613-549-4660
TTY (hearing impaired): 613-549-8792
Administration Fax: 613-549-3111
Operations Fax: 613-549-7111

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