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KPCV Co-Ordinator receives King Charles III Coronation Medal

The Kingston Police are proud to recognize Kingston Police Community Volunteer Co-Ordinator Chris Phelan. On Thursday March 6, 2025, during a ceremony at Kingston City Hall, Phelan received the King Charles III Coronation Medal for his contribution to the community through volunteerism.

Phelan began volunteering with St. John’s Ambulance at the age of 10. Chris also had a passion to help entertain seniors and children with the Limestone City Clown Troupe for over 18 years. This group, started by his father would go to senior’s homes or children’s hospital providing laughter to those who need to be cheered up.

At age 21 Chris also took an interest in community policing and joined the OPP Auxiliary where he loved every moment of his volunteering, the adventures it took him on and the community service he was involved with as an OPP Auxiliary member for 10 years.  

Chris continued his volunteering with the Kingston Police Community Volunteers, of which he is founding member.  In his 28 years with the group, he has watched the Kingston Police Community Volunteers grow from a handful of volunteers to now almost 60 members.  His passion is evident when he talks about being a member of the group and what the Kingston Police Community Volunteers achieved each year.  

He works hard to make the KPCV what it is today with his passion, leadership and love for his community.  He has worked with so many members of all ages and is a true mentor and leader to not only this group, but his community.  The passion Chris shows in volunteering has started from a very young age and continues to grow each year.  He goes above and beyond the call of a volunteer. 

“The Kingston Police Community Volunteers are force multipliers for the community of Kingston. Their Executive and deployment strategies make them leaders amongst volunteers in policing throughout the province. On behalf of all of us at the Kingston Police we wish to thank Chris for his years of volunteerism and for his leadership of the Kingston Police Community Volunteers. It is a proud moment for the team and our community! Congratulations Chris and well deserved!” said Chief Scott Fraser.

Congratulations Chris on this monumental achievement.

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705 Division Street
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 4C2

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